Can you scramble eggs in a blender?

0 votes
asked Feb 17, 2020 in Cooking by 1998chewy (290 points)
Can you scramble eggs in a blender?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 17, 2020 by 12345ismyssnnumber (1,610 points)
The blender itself won't make scrambled eggs but it does help make the scrambled eggs thicker and creamier and gives the scrambled eggs a better texture when you do cook them.

You can add the eggs to the blender and blend them and then pour the blended eggs into a pan and cook them as normal.

To get the eggs to actually scramble you need to use a spoon or fork to move the egg around in the pan while it's cooking.

Then as it's cooking the eggs when moved around and stirred then causes the eggs to get scrambled and then you have scrambled eggs.

So while the eggs are cooking you take a fork or spoon and stir the eggs around in the pan and then you wind up with scrambled eggs.

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