How much milk do I put in 2 scrambled eggs?

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asked Jan 10, 2020 in Cooking by ookie12334 (420 points)
How much milk do I put in 2 scrambled eggs?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 10, 2020 by Cathy21 (94,580 points)
When making scrambled eggs and adding milk you add about 6 tablespoons of milk to the scrambled eggs.

I always add 6 tablespoons of milk to 2 scrambled eggs and it turns out just fine.

Milk doesn't make the eggs that much better but can make them rubbery and colorless but they may make the eggs taste better to some people.

The milk doesn't make the eggs fluffier either though.

You can make scrambled eggs without milk if you want too but you can also add milk if you want too.

My husband prefers the scrambled eggs without milk while I prefer the scrambled eggs with milk.

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