Do you have to go to jail right after sentencing?

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asked Sep 20, 2017 in Law Enforcement/Police by Truth rules (240 points)
Do you have to go to jail right after sentencing?

When someone goes to court and is sentenced to jail or prison does the person get taken back to the jail first or are they transported to the prison?

What about if a person was out of jail on bond and showed up at court and was sentenced to serve time in jail would they be arrested in court and taken to the jail?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 20, 2017 by Shawn (104,110 points)
If you were already in jail and taken to court from the jail then you will most likely be taken back to the jail to serve your jail sentence.

Or if you were sentenced to prison time then you'll be taken back to the jail to wait at the jail until they decide what prison you'll be taken too and you might wait a few months before the prison transport people come to take you to the prison.

If you were out on bond then you might or might not be taken into custody.

It depends on the judge and your charges. Some judges might give you a date to show up at jail or some might have you taken into custody right away and take you back to the jail where you will await to be sent to prison.

And some might give you enough time to go home and get things arranged before you come back to the jail to await to be transported to prison or serve your jail sentence.

If it's a serious charge such murder or robbery and you were already in jail then I'm really sure you will be kept in custody and will be taken back to the jail to await prison pickup.

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