Can blue cheese make you sick?

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asked Dec 22, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by innocantki (350 points)
Can blue cheese make you sick?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 22, 2019 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
Blue cheese is safe to eat and will not make you sick when eating it.

The mold that blue cheese has is safe for people to eat unless you're allergic to that specific mold.

So blue cheese might make some people sick if they happen to be allergic to that blue cheese mold but for most people they eat the blue cheese without any health effects.

Blue cheese is also not very tasty for everyone so it might make you want to vomit or vomit when you try blue cheese for the first time and do not like it.

For example I cannot stand blue cheese but my mother she can eat blue cheese everyday if she wants too.

But for me I nearly vomited when trying to eat a piece of blue cheese that she had me try.

I can't stand the stuff but other people can.

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