Are fresh jalapenos good for you?

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asked Dec 19, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by GMMuscle (300 points)
Are fresh jalapenos good for you?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 22, 2019 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
Yes fresh Jalapeno peppers and any other Jalapeno Peppers or spicy foods are good for your health in moderation.

Fresh Jalapeno peppers and any other Jalapeno peppers are rich in vitamins A and C and potassium which is very good for your health and Jalapenos can help boost your bodies immune system and may prevent colds, flu viruses and possibly prevent cancer.

Jalapeno peppers contain Capsaicin which also acts as an anti-inflammatory, which makes the Jalapeno peppers great for reducing swelling and pain in those who suffer from arthritis.

Jalapeno peppers are also good for preventing and treating headaches, Colds, Nasal Congestion, High Blood pressure and even ulcers.

Although if you eat too many Jalapenos they could lead to ulcers but in moderation they can help prevent and treat ulcers.

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