Is calamansi good for colds?

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asked Dec 14, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by Lmk8987huse (320 points)
Is calamansi good for colds?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 16, 2019 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Yes Calamansi Juice and Calamansi fruits are good for boosting your immune system and helping prevent colds and helps treat colds.

Although there's no cure for the cold the Calamansi Juice and Calamansi Fruit contains vitamins and nutrients which can help fight the cold virus and boost your immune system.

Drinking Natural Orange Juice or eating Oranges is also another way to boost your bodies immune system and help prevent the cold and flu virus and can help you recover sooner as well.

There are many health benefits of drinking calamansi juice and some of those health benefits are improved kidney health, boosted immune system, boost in energy, detoxing of the body, improved kidney health and can even help get rid of colds.

The calamansi juice contains natural antioxidants and Vitamins and Nutrients which helps prevent kidney disease, cancer, bladder infections and much more.

Calamansi Juice does eventually expire and it loses it's freshness after the expiration date passes.

For the best taste and health benefits of calamansi you should consume the calamansi expire juice before expiration or at least on the expiration date.

You should always either freeze the calamansi juice or keep it refrigerated when not drinking it.

As long as it remains frozen the calamansi can last for 1 to 3 years but in the refrigerator it goes bad much sooner.

Same thing with regular lemon juice it should always be refrigerated or frozen otherwise it goes bad and spoils pretty quickly.

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