Does cherry juice lower blood pressure?

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asked Dec 9, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by 89bear32190 (300 points)
Does cherry juice lower blood pressure?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 10, 2019 by hy7coff (430 points)
Yes cherry juice can help to lower your blood pressure and keep your blood pressure at safe levels.

Cherry Juice is also good for treating and preventing gout flare ups as well and if you're suffering from gout drinking a glass or two of cherry juice can help get rid of the gout.

I sometimes have high blood pressure and when I drink a glass of cherry juice my blood pressure starts to go back to normal.

I try to drink a glass of cherry juice everyday as it's very good for your health as well and not just for blood pressure.

Cherry Juice is full of vitamins and nutrients and can help improve your heart health, boost your immune system, help with arthritis and may even prevent cancer and strokes.

Cherry Juice can also help you sleep at night as well due to the natural melatonin that cherry juice contains.

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