What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage?

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asked Nov 23, 2019 in Internet by ikeMoose (260 points)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 23, 2019 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Cloud storage has many advantages as your data is stored on multiple hard drives among multiple servers so that in the event one hard drive crashes your data is still safe on another hard drive and can be accessed at anytime.

The cloud storage can cost some money monthly if you need a lot of storage but paying that cost to store critical data such as databases, files and even pictures that cannot be replaced is well worth the cost.

I have backups of my data including my website files, database and even pictures hosted in the cloud and on my computer at home, on a couple external hard drives etc.

I want to ensure that I have backups of the data in multiple places so that I never lose it.

Especially my website as it's my income and if I lost my website data I lose my income.

The data in cloud storage is also protected against Malware and Ransomware as it makes it harder to hack into a cloud server because the data is spread among multiple servers and not just one.

Cloud storage is also usually faster to access and can be accessed at anytime even if one of the servers crash you can still access the files on other servers.

However the only real disadvantages I can think of for cloud storage is that if your internet connection is slower it may take longer to backup the files to the cloud storage or may take longer to download those backups of the files.

And if you don't have an internet connection you won't be able to access those files.

But if you have those files on your external hard drive or internal hard drive on the computer you can still access the files.
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2022 by lowerkoker (2,200 points)

Good afternoon there! I don't like cloud storage, I used it for a long time but then I decided I'd rather just back up the data I have in Microsoft Office. Enterprise security is important to me so I took it seriously and after the demo, I decided to switch completely to it to protect my data from leaks. 

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