How long do you expect a desktop computer to last?

+1 vote
asked Sep 12, 2017 in Desktops by Hazel (300 points)
How long do you expect a desktop computer to last?

I have a 8 year old desktop pc that I'm thinking I may need to replace soon since it's getting old.

How long should a desktop pc last before it completely quits?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by Shawn (104,110 points)
With a desktop computer costing from $500.00 I would hope I could get at least 10 years of use out of it before it actually dies and I have to replace it.

You can always update the ram and change the hard drive etc without having to spend as much on a new computer over those years.

10 years is about right and when I'd say I got my money's worth out of the desktop computer.

laptop computers for me tend to last 3 years but laptops are usually used more harshly and the moving them around so often tends to shorten their lifespan.

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