Are eggs good for high blood pressure?

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asked Sep 11, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by Yulmazi (300 points)
Are eggs good for high blood pressure?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 14, 2019 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Yes eating eggs is a good way to lower your blood pressure.

My doctor suggested I eat a couple eggs each morning for breakfast to help lower my blood pressure and I did start seeing a reduction in my blood pressure by adding a couple eggs to my breakfast each morning.

Eating foods that are rich in protein including eggs have been known to help lower a persons blood pressure and they are healthy for you as well.

Eating eggs is also good when you're trying to lose weight so the eggs are good for lowering blood pressure as well as helping you feel full when you're doing weight loss and trying to lose weight.

Taking some apple cider vinegar by the spoonful or by adding a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to some water can also help you lower your blood pressure naturally without the need for taking many medications.

Going for a walk and reducing stress in your life is also good for lower blood pressure because stress is one of the causes of high blood pressure.

It's important to lower your blood pressure because having high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and heart disease.

Heart disease and heart attacks is a leading cause of death especially in people who are constantly stressed out.
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answered Sep 19, 2019 by noah015 (2,500 points)

I don’t often eat eggs in my diet, I prefer cooking salads with vegetables or chicken and seafood. I also like to make fresh salads along with sturgeon caviar, it's very tasty and healthy. I advise you to try sturgeon caviar, which I ordered on the website . This is very easy to do, just order online.

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