How long does it take to download 1 GB?

0 votes
asked Apr 7, 2019 in Internet by ErikaAxori (420 points)
How long does it take to download 1 GB?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 7, 2019 by Shawn (104,230 points)
The length of time it takes to download 1 GB of data depends on your internet download speed.

So for example if your download speed is 1 MB then it will take around 2 to 3 minutes to download a 1 GB file.

If your download speed is 10 MB then it may take only around 14 to 15 seconds to download that same amount of data.

The slower your internet download speed the slower the download will take but the faster your download speed the faster the 1 GB of data will download.

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