Can a glass baking dish go from fridge to oven?

0 votes
asked Mar 20, 2019 in Cooking by Vleynitkeorif (310 points)
Can a glass baking dish go from fridge to oven?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 20, 2019 by Juslate (370 points)
Most glass baking dishes are safe to go from the cold fridge and directly into a preheated oven without it breaking.

Some types of baking dishes may require sitting out at room temperature for a few minutes before placing them into the oven from the fridge.

I've never had any problems taking a glass baking dish out of the fridge and putting it into the oven when it was still cold.

I always preheat the oven and then place the glass baking dish into the oven with the food in it to reheat it and never broken a dish doing it for years.

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