How much can a website with adsense make per month with around 1,000 visitors per day?

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asked Feb 14, 2019 in Google by lambbharik (220 points)
How much can a website with adsense make per month with around 1,000 visitors per day?

2 Answers

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answered Feb 14, 2019 by Shawn (104,110 points)
From my experience with my website when it started getting 1,000 visitors per day I was earning from $3.00 to $5.00 per day from Adsense.

So you should earn at least that much depending on the niche your website is in.

When you start getting 5,000 visitors per day you might start earning around $30.00 to $50.00 per day and when you get to 10,000 visitors per day you could earn as much as $100.00 per day which is what I was earning 10,000 visitors per day.
0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2019 by Roxslides (660 points)
I have a blog that gets 1,000 visitors per day and it makes $5.00 per day from Adsense so you should be able to get at least $80.00 to $100.00 per month from Adsense with 1,000 visitors per day.

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