How long does it take to make decent money through hubpages

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asked Jul 3, 2017 in Internet by Sunforged3 (210 points)
How long does it take to make decent money through hubpages?
How long does it take to make decent income through hupages?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 3, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Most hubbers at hubpages report it taking 4 years before earning decent money.

Some report hitting the first $100.00 from Adsense after 1-2 years. On hubpages or any website you need to have patience in order to earn a good income or any amount of money from your website.

If someone tells you that you can get rich overnight with Adsense or hubpages without working then they're lying to you.

Earning money online whether through hubpages or your own website or other means takes lots of work and patience.

It especially takes a lot of work in the beginning to earn money from your websites.

You'll most likely be working long hours for free but if you keep at it you'll see the rewards and money in years to come.

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