Is it better to eat fruit on an empty stomach?

+1 vote
asked Feb 2, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by Shogunni (340 points)
Is it better to eat fruit on an empty stomach?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2019 by Sherri (890 points)
Eating fruit on an empty stomach can help with digestion and allow the fruit to provide your body with more antioxidants but you don't have to eat fruit on an empty stomach.

You can still get health benefits of eating fruit even after you've eaten something else and it's perfectly okay to snack on fruits throughout the day.

It's a good idea though to eat some fruit in the morning before eating your regular breakfast to help with digestion.
0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2019 by dinessod (310 points)
Eating fruit on an empty stomach is better for digestion and acid production in your stomach so you'll benefit from eating the fruit on an empty stomach.

But you'll also benefit from eating fruit at anytime of the day or even at night.

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