Do documents automatically save in Google Docs?

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asked Jan 16, 2019 in Google by vihanu (310 points)
Do documents automatically save in Google Docs?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 16, 2019 by layla (84,530 points)
Yes Google Docs automatically saves any data you enter into the Google Docs document every 3 to 4 minutes but as soon as you're done entering information into the Google Docs document it's a good idea to go ahead and save the information yourself so that in case a power outage or something else you know that the information was saved.

A doc saves automatically every 3 to 4 minutes but spreadsheets only save when you change a cell and then leave it.

However it won't save on your computer online you have Gears and the Offline feature installed which can be buggy and slow things down.

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