Is it legal to live in a camper on my parents property?

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asked Jun 30, 2017 in Law Enforcement/Police by 2milk1 (340 points)
Is it legal to live in a camper on my parents property?
Can I legally park a camper in my parents yard and live in it while I save for an apartment or down payment on a house?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 30, 2017 by Shawn (102,150 points)
In some places it can be illegal for your or anyone else to live on parents property in a camper or rv.

Some towns have restrictions about parking rv's and campers in properties that aren't rv parks and can get you fined for parking the rv or camper on your parents property.

Check with your town or cities laws as some might allow you to park your camper or rv on your parents property and others will throw  fit if you do and drag you to court which is a shame.

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