Can you make a squash casserole ahead of time?

+2 votes
asked Dec 19, 2018 in Cooking by Tripplette (330 points)
Can you make a squash casserole ahead of time?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2018 by JosttRodri (390 points)
Yes you can prepare and make a squash casserole dish or any casserole dish a day ahead of time and then put in the refrigerator until the next day or whenever you plan to serve it and it will be just fine.

You can just place the Squash Casserole dish or any other Casserole dish into the oven and reheat the Casserole when ready to eat.
0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2018 by layla (84,650 points)
I've also made a squash casserole dish ahead of time and then covered the dish with aluminum foil and the placed it into the refrigerator overnight or before it was ready to serve that evening.

Then I just preheated the oven to 400 F and placed the Squash Casserole into the oven and turned the oven down to 300 F and allowed it to reheat for 20 minutes and then it was ready to serve.

Or if you prefer to microwave the Squash Casserole dish you can Microwave the Casserole dish as well.

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