How much traffic is needed to earn $200.00 per day with Adsense?

+1 vote
asked Dec 14, 2018 in Blogging by ubiqueone (250 points)
How much traffic is needed to earn $200.00 per day with Adsense?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2018 by Shawn (104,110 points)
The amount of search and website traffic you'll need to get to $200.00 per day using Adsense will depend entirely on the niche of your website.

Some website topics may need 1 million monthly visitors or more to earn $200.00 per day with Adsense while some others like one of my websites in the health niche gets 800,000 monthly visitors and earns $200.00 per day.

So yes I do make $200.00 per day with Adsense which is $6,000.00 per month blogging and I don't have to work everyday to earn that money.

I made only $50.00 per day on my regular office job but I blogged for around 6 years after work and on the weekends to build up my blog content and traffic to where it is today.

Expect to need at least 800,000 or 1 million monthly visitors to earn $200.00 per day with Adsense but it depends on the niche your website is in and what the topic is.

Some Keywords pay higher than others and will earn you more per click.

I sometimes get $1.00 to $5.00 per click on Adsense so yes you can make a good living with Adsense if you get enough traffic and write on the correct high paying Adsense keywords.
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2018 by mecrotspat (380 points)
I have a blog in the finance niche and I earn $100.00 per day with 300,000 monthly visitors so I would say once I got the blog traffic up to 600,000 monthly visitors I could earn $200.00 per day.

But again if your niche is lower paying then you may need 2 million or more monthly visitors to earn $200.00 per day with Adsense.

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