If a computer is in a hot room does the heat in the room cause computer to slow down?

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asked Jun 28, 2017 in Hardware by Jodie (35,100 points)
I turned my air conditioner off today while I was gone and came back and the room where my computer in was hot. I went to use the Desktop computer that I left on and the computer has seemed to slowed down and when typing everything is lagging?

Did the hot room cause the computer to slow down or is something else wrong with my computer?
I turned the air conditioner back on but it's gonna be awhile before the room gets cooled down enough.

Can heat cause a computer to lag and slow down?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 28, 2017 by Shawn (102,150 points)
Yes indeed. Heat is one of the causes of a slow computer. When it get's hot it's performance drops and the fans kick in to try and cool the cpu down.

But that's not always enough.

Next time I'd just leave the ac on or shut down the computer to avoid damage to the computer. I'd leave the ac on anyway at least have it kick on for enough time to keep the house from getting too hot.

Computer web server and other data centers are cooled constantly with air conditioning to keep the web servers from overheating.

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