Should I cover my boneless chicken in the oven?

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asked Jan 12 in Cooking by LeniDell (660 points)
Should I cover my boneless chicken in the oven?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 12 by yellowbeannie (16,990 points)
You should cover your boneless chicken in the oven with some foil or parchment paper if you want to retain moisture in the boneless chicken.

If you want crispy boneless chicken then you should not cover the boneless chicken in the oven.

When baking chicken, you do cover it with foil to keep the chicken moist if you want moist chicken.

However if you want crispy chicken you should bake the chicken uncovered.

You can also cover the chicken with foil for most of the baking time and then remove it near the end of baking to brown the skin of the chicken.

It is better to bake chicken in a metal pan than in a glass pan.

Metal pans cook the chicken more evenly and more efficiently than glass pans as the metal conducts heat better which results in better crisping and browning of the chicken.

Glass pans tend to heat up more slowly and retain heat longer which can lead to uneven cooking of the chicken.

The temperature to bake chicken is between 350 F to 400 F depending on the cut of the chicken and the outcome you desire.

For crispy skin chicken you want to start cooking at a higher temperature of 425 F for the first part of the cooking to brown the skin of the chicken and then lower the temperature to retain moisture.

For more tender chicken you should use a lower temperature of around 350 F for a slower cook which helps retain the moisture.

When fully cooked and ready to eat the chickens internal temperature should have an internal temperature of 165F.

The temperature that you should bake boneless skinless chicken breasts at is 375 F for 20 to 30 minutes.

For bone in chicken breasts they should be cooked at 375 F for 35 to 40 minutes.

Skinless chicken breast including boneless skinless chicken breast is the healthiest chicken meat.

White chicken meat is also healthier than dark chicken meat due to it's lower fat content.

Dark chicken meat such as the legs and thighs have more fat, although they do also have more essential minerals and vitamins.

White chicken meat is meat such as the chicken breasts.

Removing the skin from the chicken before cooking it also helps reduce the fat content significantly.

For the healthiest cooking options for chicken meat you should use baking, roasting or grilling for cooking the chicken instead of frying the chicken to reduce added fat.

Skinless chicken breast is also the leanest cut of chicken meat that has the most protein and lowest fat content which makes it ideal for people who are muscle building and or managing their weight .

If you're looking to increase your iron and zinc intake the dark cuts of chicken meat like drumsticks and chicken thighs would be better but they contain more fat.

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