What is the correct pronunciation of Reese's?

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asked Jan 6 in Other-Food Drink by iramyass (720 points)
What is the correct pronunciation of Reese's?

1 Answer

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answered 2 days ago by JaredMCQ (12,730 points)
The correct pronunciation of Reese's is Ree Suhz.

In 1963 Hershey paid $23.5 million dollars to the sons of H.B Reese for Reese's.

Reese's is owned by Hershey.

H.B. Reese who was an employee at the Hershey Company started Reese's in his basement in the 1920s.

Then he started the H.B. Reese candy company and become so successful that he quit the job at Hershey.

After the death of H.B. Reese in 1956 his 6 sons took over the company and then later sold it to Hershey in 1963 for $23.5 million dollars.

Reese's peanut butter cups were originally called Penny Cups as they were sold for one cent each.

The peanut butter cups were originally created by Harry Burnett Reese a former dairy farmer in 1928 and he started the H.B. Reese Candy Company in Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1923.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are healthy for you when eaten in moderation.

While Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are not considered a healthy snack option and are not considered healthy they do have peanut butter and chocolate which do have some health benefits.

However Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are also high in sugar and fat content which makes them not very healthy so they should be eaten as a treat in moderation and not consumed in excess.

As long as you eat other healthy foods and eat the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in moderation you can maintain your health.

Eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in moderation is not going to harm you but eating too many can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

The Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are made with real peanut butter which is healthy and the chocolate is healthy.

However the peanut butter by itself and the chocolate by itself would be healthier than it would be eating them in the form of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Just like other candies they should not be eaten in excess and should only be enjoyed in moderation.

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