How long does it take to increase domain authority?

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asked Dec 22, 2024 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by Ngureco (780 points)
How long does it take to increase domain authority?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 22, 2024 by Shawn (104,110 points)
Increasing your domain authority can take a few years to as long as 7 to 10 years in some cases depending on how well your websites content is written and how many natural backlinks your website gets and how quickly those backlinks are acquired.

I have a website that is 10 years old and it took me at least 7 years to get 8 million natural backlinks and now my domain authority is 72 and after 7 years the website started ranking higher and easier in search engines.

Search engine optimization and building a high authority website can take years and is not achieved overnight when done properly.

Even the largest websites such as forbes, cnn, etc all started out as low authority websites and overtime they grew and now easily rank.

Continue creating high quality content and eventually your website will gain traction and increase in domain authority.

The highest domain rating is 100 as domain ratings range from 1 to 100.

Most of the high domain rating domains and websites range from 90 to 95 with a few domains reaching a 100 domain rating.

The higher your domain rating the higher chance you have at ranking your website higher in search results and much quicker.

A good domain authority score is a score of between 50 to 60.

If your domain authority score is 50 to 60 it is considered good.

Domain authority scores above 60 are considered excellent including domain authority scores of 70 are also considered excellent with a higher ability to rank in Google.

A domain authority score of 40 to 50 is often considered average.

The higher your domain authority score the better as it means you have a better chance of ranking your content on Google and quicker than others.

Domain authority score range from 1 to 100 with 100 being the highest and best domain authority score.

But if your domain authority score is at least 50 to 70 then you have a good chance of ranking high in search results.

Higher DA domain authority indicates a website that has more authority and higher potential to rank well in search engine results pages.

The primary factor in calculating your domain authority for your website is the number of high quality backlinks from other websites.

The average domain authority score is 50 to 70.

Increasing your websites Domain Authority is a gradual process and can take several months to years.

The increase in domain authority depends on factors such as your website's current authority, the consistency and quality of content creation, and the acquisition of high-quality backlinks.

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