Is spaghetti good for you?

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asked Dec 7, 2024 in Other-Food Drink by oxygen882 (1,200 points)
Is spaghetti good for you?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2024 by Caldecott (28,040 points)
Spaghetti is good for you and contains protein, fiber, iron and B vitamins.

Spaghetti and pastas are a good source of energy and contain protein and fiber and vitamins including folate.

Spaghetti and pasta is also low in sodium and free from cholesterol.

Spaghetti and pasta are healthier than most other types of noodles.

Pasta and spaghetti are lower on the glycemic index and is made with durum wheat semolina and helps ensure a slower release of energy which keeps your blood sugar levels stable and also helps prevent cravings and overeating.

Some noodles can also be high in sodium, MSG and TBHQ which can increase the risk of heart disease, stomach cancer and metabolic syndrome.

Although some noodles are healthier than other noodles, especially noodles made at home and not prepacked noodles such as ramen noodles.

Some noodle varieties are actually healthier than some spaghetti types and pasta.

The pasta that is the healthiest is whole wheat pasta, chickpea pasta, white pasta and Lentil Pasta

Pasta dishes can be healthy when you pair them with healthy fats, protein and vegetables.

Veggie pasta and whole wheat pasta is healthiest.

Veggie pasta is better than regular pasta as veggie pasta contains more protein and fiber than regular pasta and veggie pasta is also gluten free.

The healthiest pasta for weight loss is whole grain pasta or whole wheat pasta.

Whole wheat pasta takes longer for the body to digest than pasta made out of refined flour which means blood sugar will rise slowly and prevent your body from storing any excess fat which aids in weight loss.

The most heart healthy pasta is Organic Red lentil Pasta and Organic Whole Wheat Einkorn Pasta as well as Chickpea pasta.

The healthiest pasta to eat is whole wheat pasta, chickpea pasta, white pasta and Lentil Pasta.

You should not rinse pasta if using the pasta in a warm dish.

However if using pasta in a cold dish such as pasta salad then you should rinse the pasta.

Pasta should never, ever be rinsed for a warm dish.

The starch in the water is what helps the sauce adhere to your pasta.

The only time you should ever rinse your pasta is when you are going to use it in a cold dish like a pasta salad or when you are not going to use it immediately.

You should only rinse your pasta with cold water if you're using the cooked pasta in a dish such as pasta salad.

However if you're making pasta and are adding sauce to the pasta you should not rinse the pasta with cold water or any water.

If you rinse the pasta with cold water or any water after cooking it and then put sauce on the cooked pasta that you rinsed with the cold water then the pasta will not absorb the sauce.

So if you want the pasta to absorb the sauce never rinse the pasta with cold water or any water.

Just drain the water off the pasta and then add the pasta sauce to the pasta while it's hot.

Rinsing the pasta with the cold water or any other water removes the starch and the starch in the pasta is what allows the pasta sauce to adhere and absorb into the pasta.

Without the starch in the pasta the pasta sauce will just run off the pasta.

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