Is brioche healthier than bread?

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asked Dec 4, 2024 in Other-Food Drink by Gooogele (1,340 points)
Is brioche healthier than bread?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 4, 2024 by ZackMack (12,800 points)
Brioche is not healthier than regular bread as it contains more fat and more calories than regular bread.

However brioche does have a higher protein content than regular plain white bread due to the eggs which are beneficial for health.

Brioche is also high in saturated fat due to the excess butter.

Brioche is healthy in moderation but when eaten in excess it can be unhealthy.

The unhealthiest type of bread is white bread and other breads made with refined grains.

Breads including white bread and other breads made with refined grains can raise your blood cholesterol levels and they also are stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals during processing.

White bread and other breads with refined grains also contain added sugars, high amounts of refined carbohydrates and other unhealthy ingredients.

The best anti-inflammatory bread are whole grain breads including sourdough bread and rye bread.

Whole grain breads are better for reducing inflammation in the body than refined grains.

White bread is not the best for people that want to reduce inflammation as white bread is made from refined grains which have been milled to remove the bran and germ, which results in a finer texture and longer shelf life.

The refined grain processed in the white bread also removes nutrients, including iron, B vitamins and dietary fiber.

Eating whole grain breads are better for you when you want to reduce inflammation.

Whole grain breads are healthier as it contains more of those nutrients including B vitamins, dietary fiber and iron.

Some of the healthiest breads which are also good for inflammation are rye bread and sourdough bread.

If a loaf of bread contains 6 grams of fiber per 100 g, it's rich in fiber.

Choose breads that have plenty of intact grains, like oats, barley, and quinoa, as well as seeds, if you can eat these.

And because of their high fiber and nutrient content, breads that are made with whole grains, including whole wheat, are generally the go-to healthiest breads that dietitians recommend.

Most people require adding more fiber to their diets, so finding high-fiber bread is often a good idea.

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