Is cookie dough better than cookies?

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asked Nov 8 in Other-Food Drink by Xbaxedi22 (830 points)
Is cookie dough better than cookies?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 13 by Jacupq4 (23,920 points)
Cookie dough is better than cookies for some people and including myself.

Although I love cookies the cookie dough is so much better in taste to me.

Raw cookie dough is so good due to the texture, flavor and comfort that it can evoke.

The soft, creamy and chewy texture of raw cookie dough is appealing and the primary flavors in chocolate chip cookie dough are vanilla and chocolate which are also easy for the brain to remember.

Cookie dough is not all that bad to eat when raw although it can carry salmonella from the raw eggs which could make you sick so you must use caution and you eat the raw cookie dough at your own risk.

I've eaten raw cookie dough for years and haven't gotten sick from it but there's still the potential for anyone to get sick from raw cookie dough so it's not recommended to eat raw cookie dough but some people still do so.

Raw cookie dough is so good due to the texture, flavor and comfort that it can evoke.

The soft, creamy and chewy texture of raw cookie dough is appealing and the primary flavors in chocolate chip cookie dough are vanilla and chocolate which are also easy for the brain to remember.

Cookie dough can also bring back memories of a comforting place such as baking with your mom or Grandma and biting into raw cookie dough is satisfying and you can enjoy warm, chewy cookies later.

Cookie dough is generally safe to eat by there's a potential to get sick from Salmonella that could be in the raw eggs in the raw cookie dough.

However the risk of getting sick from raw cookie dough is very low.

You can eat raw cookie dough although there's a potential to get sick from possible salmonella and other bacteria that may be present in the raw cookie dough.

Getting sick from raw cookie dough is of low risk although it's possible.

I've eaten raw cookie dough for years and never have gotten sick but they just warn you not to eat the raw cookie dough as you could potentially get sick.

Cooking the cookie dough kills the bacteria that would make you sick.

The chance of getting sick from raw cookie dough is very low but you do so at your own risk.

Like I've said I've eaten raw cookie dough for years and even when I was a kid and my mom used to try to stop me and say I would get sick but I never got sick from it.

Not sure why but raw cookie dough is so delicious and addicting and it's hard to stop eating it once you start.

Cooked and soft cookies are even better but I just can't stop myself from eating raw cookie dough.

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