What is the perfect temperature for coffee?

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asked Aug 8 in Other-Food Drink by shiptodo (1,160 points)
What is the perfect temperature for coffee?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 8 by 12iroanges (34,870 points)
The perfect temperature for brewing coffee is between 195 F to 205 F.

Coffee is best brewed at those temperatures which extracts more of the flavor from the grinds.

Coffee is best consumed at temperatures of 136 F to 100 F.

I allow my coffee to cool down to around 100 F before I drink it or I would burn my mouth.

For best brewed coffee the coffee grounds should be at room temperature and the water should be between 195 F and 205 F.

To make the perfect cup of brewed coffee.

Use cold filtered water (if you don't like drinking your home water, don't make coffee with it)
Measure your coffee- use 1 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 6-8 ounces of water (usually one cup on your brewer)
Water temperature needs to be between 195 degrees – 205 degrees.

If using whole beans, grind the beans to a uniform consistency similar to regular table salt.
Pour clean water into the back of the machine (not over the grounds) and press the on button.
Turn off the machine as soon as the coffee is done brewing (it will stop bubbling) to avoid a burnt taste.

In order to extract the best flavors out of your coffee, the water you use to brew has to be at the optimal temperature: between 195 – 205 degrees F.

While the temperature not only affects the speed of the extraction (cooler water brews coffee more slowly than hotter water), it also effects what gets extracted.

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