What oil do you use for flash fry?

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asked Jul 16, 2024 in Cooking by Sscavender (720 points)
What oil do you use for flash fry?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 18, 2024 by MarandaJones (4,420 points)
The oil that you use for flash fry are high smoke point oils which include.

Peanut, safflower, soybean oil (450°F)
Grape seed oil (445°F)
Canola oil (435°F)
Corn, olive, sesame seed, sunflower oil (410°F)

A flash fry is a type of cooking technique that uses high heat deep frying to quickly fry minor cuts before the crust browns.

The purpose of flash frying in cooking is to lock in the juices and the flavor in the food without too much oil being absorbed into the food.

Food that is flash fried is fried in minimal oil.

The difference between frying food and flash frying food is that deep fried foods are fully submerged in oil for five to 15 minutes, allowing the oil to seep in and saturate the food with fat.

Flash fried food is submerged for about one to five minutes in oil so hot that the outside of the food is immediately seared, keeping the oil from penetrating farther.

Deep-fat frying is a common preparation method for fish in the food service industry as well as the home kitchen.

Flash-frying has been promoted as a healthier method of preparing fish.

The cooking oils that are best for flash frying foods are.

Peanut, safflower, soybean oil (450°F)
Grape seed oil (445°F)
Canola oil (435°F)
Corn, olive, sesame seed, sunflower oil (410°F)

Flash frying is doing so at a very high temp over a very short period of time.

Deep frying implies no such time or temperature restriction.

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