How many Youtubers have over 10 million subscribers?

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2018 in Youtube by Larosie (860 points)
How many Youtubers have over 10 million subscribers?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2018 by sagerave (640 points)

No one except for Youtube itself would know the exact amount of Youtubers who have 10 million subscribers.

There's 5 youtubers I know of that have way more than 10 million subscribers and those youtubers are.

  • Canal KondZilla (28 million subscribers)
  • HolaSoyGerman (33 million subscribers)
  • JustinBieberVEVO (34 million subscribers)
  • T-Series (37 million subscribers)
  • PewDiePie (61 million subscribers)

 I'm sure there's way more out there than that with more than 10 million subscribers but those are all I know about.

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