Should you put dressing in a salad spinner?

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asked Apr 30, 2024 in Other-Food Drink by Koffeegal (1,100 points)
Should you put dressing in a salad spinner?

1 Answer

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answered May 1, 2024 by Egsbendict (23,910 points)
You should put dressing in a salad spinner as it will evenly coat your salad greens.

You can also use your salad spinner to remove excess salad dressing if you need too.

The size of salad spinner you need is a 2 quart salad spinner for small side salads, 3 quart salad spinner for a large salad or feeding people up to 6 people and if you have a lot of people to make salads for you should have a 4 to 5 quart salad spinner.

For one person a 2 quart salad spinner will be good enough.

It is worth getting a salad spinner as salad spinners help to clean and dry the lettuce to make the perfect salad and the lettuce can also be stored in the salad spinner in the refrigerator to keep it fresher longer.

Salad spinners do clean and wash lettuce as well as dry lettuce.

Simply place the lettuce in the salad spinner and fill it with water and it will clean and wash the lettuce as you spin the lettuce.

Salad spinners do dry lettuce at least 90 percent of the way.

You can leave lettuce in a salad spinner and place it in the refrigerator which will keep the lettuce fresher longer.

Chop up or cut of your lettuce or greens and then place them into the salad spinner.

Fill a bowl with some water so that the lettuce or greens are submerged, soak for 5 minutes, empty the bowl and then spin the salad.

The point of a salad spinner is to wash lettuce and remove excess water from lettuce and salad greens.

A salad spinner is also known as a salad tosser.

When using a salad spinner you should first inspect the outer leaves of the lettuce or salad greens and remove ones that look tough.

Then check out the head of the lettuce or salad greens itself and pull out any leaves that are wilted or full of holes in the case of spinach.

For greens such as kale or chard, chop or tear large leaves into smaller pieces.

Step 2: Put the torn leaves into the colander of your salad spinner.

Salad-spin until all the water has drained away.

The leaves will still be slightly damp—that's what you want.

Take the basket out of your salad spinner and transfer the leaves to a container where they can get some airflow but will not be directly exposed to the drying air of the refrigerator.

You can also store your salad or lettuce in the salad spinner to help keep it fresher longer.

Storing the whole contraption in the fridge, spinner, lettuce, lid, and all can keep the greens crisp and colorful for a full week.

After using your salad spinner be sure to at least give it a good rinse to keep it from getting moldy.

A good soapy rinse and scrub between uses will keep your salad spinner clean and ready to use.

You may not need to wash your salad spinner with soap and water after every use.

A good rinse after spinning clean vegetables or lettuce can do the trick.

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