The white chunks coming out of your Keurig are limescale which is a mineral deposit that is made up of calcium and magnesium.
The calcium and magnesium that cause the limescale in your Keurig build up inside your Keurig from hard water and appears a white chalky substance.
You can remove the limescale by running vinegar or a descaling solution through your Keurig and then running water through it to flush out the vinegar or descale solution.
To descale your Keurig, empty the water reservoir and fill it with the descaling solution or vinegar.
Then brew a full cycle without a k cup to run the solution or vinegar through the Keurig and after descaling the Keurig, run a few cycles of fresh water completely through the Keurig to remove the vinegar or descaling solution.
To reset your Keurig and force your Keurig to reboot start by turning off the Keurig machine and unplug it.
Then remove the water reservoir and wait at least 10 minutes.
After removing the water reservoir and waiting 10 minutes, plug the Keurig back in and turn the Keurig back on.
Next wait for the Keurig to recognize that the water reservoir is not connected and then reattach the water reservoir.
Then wait for the add water indicator light to stop flashing and open and close the K cup compartment.
You can also reboot your Keurig by pressing and holding the 9 oz and 10 oz buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.
The strong button on the Keurig is to allow for you to brew a more stronger and more concentrated cup of coffee.
When you press the strong button on your Keurig brewer it adjusts the brewing process to use a higher coffee to water ratio.
The higher coffee to water ratio, results in a bolder taste and essentially makes the coffee stronger by using more coffee grounds for the same amount of water.
Pressing the strong button on the Keruig activates the setting that increases the coffee strength.
when the strong button is pressed on the Keurig it extends the brewing time slightly and allows for more extraction of flavor from the coffee grounds.
To use the strong button on your Keurig, you simply press the strong button on the Keurig before you select the brew size to make a stronger and bolder cup of coffee.
Strong coffee is made by using a lower coffee-to-water ratio (more grounds, less water) and refers to the concentration of the beverage rather than the roast level.
Espresso coffee drinks by definition, are a strong drink since it's brewed as a very concentrated form of coffee.