Does Ocean Spray have high fructose?

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asked Apr 13, 2024 in Other-Food Drink by vdog55 (3,220 points)
Does Ocean Spray have high fructose?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 14, 2024 by AmosJanes (8,680 points)
Ocean Spray does not have high fructose although it does contain sugar.

Ocean Spray cranberry juice is Good for detox as cranberries contain polyphenols which help prevent bacteria from sticking that leads to improved urinary tract health and also helps to cleanse, purify and detox the body and reduce the risk of recurring urinary tract infections.

Ocean Spray is very healthy when consumed in moderation but because it's high in sugar and other additives it can be unhealthy when consumed in excess.

Also if you're diabetic or have high blood sugar Ocean Spray can spike your blood sugar levels.

Ocean Spray is healthier than Soda but not healthier than tea, fresh fruit juices etc.

Ocean Spray is full of sugar and contains 36 grams of sugar per cup.

Ocean Spray cranberry juice is also sweetened with grape and apple juice.

Ocean Spray is real cranberry juice made from real cranberries.

Other than the added sugar and other ingredients that are added the Ocean Spray cranberry juice is healthy in moderation.

Fresh Cranberries and fresh cranberry juice are healthier but Ocean Spray Cranberry juice is healthy and okay to consume.

It is OK to drink Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice everyday although too much cranberry juice can cause diarrhea, blood sugar spikes and upset stomach.

Drinking one or two glasses of Ocean Spray cranberry juice or other brands of cranberry juice everyday is okay unless you start having upset stomach or diarrhea.

Ocean Spray is expensive because of the brand name and because Ocean Spray had to offset rising costs which occurred due to the supply chain issues and a shortage of labor and materials that came out of the coronavirus pandemic.

Cranberries are also expensive due to low carry over stocks and the prospect of a relatively small crop which makes the Ocean Spray Cranberry juice expensive.

Other cheaper brands of cranberry juice and similar juices are just as good as Ocean Spray and cost much less.

I find that store brand juices including store brand cranberry juice is just as good as Ocean Spray without the high cost.

Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. is an American agricultural cooperative of growers of cranberries headquartered in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

It currently has over 700 member growers.

Ocean spray cranberry juice is 100% juice made with the crisp, clean taste of real cranberries straight from the bog.

Plus, it has no added sugar, a daily dose of vitamin C, and one cup of fruit, so it tastes good and it's good for you, too.

*Not a low calorie food - See Nutrition Facts for sugar and calorie content.

Oceans pray cranberry juice is loaded with antioxidants that can help fight off harmful free radicals in your body.

Talk about a one-two punch! Bye-bye urinary tract infections (UTIs): This tart juice is effective in preventing and treating UTIs. Say adios to those pesky infections!

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