Can I store photos from my computer on shared hosting?

+1 vote
asked Sep 20, 2018 in Web Hosting by Panamanian (230 points)
Can I store photos from my computer on shared hosting?

I have an unlimited web hosting account and I'm wondering would I be able to store photos from my computer on the web hosting account as a backup?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2018 by Shawn (104,110 points)
Unlimited Web Hosting is actually limited if you read the Terms of Service closely.

Most web hosting companies will state in their Terms and Conditions that storage of personal files and photos from your computer are not allowed and can result in termination of your shared hosting account.

If you have a dedicated web server then you can store some extra photos with the unused disk space but on a shared hosting account you can only store photos or files that are used for your website.
0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)

You won't be able to store photos from your computer on your shared hosting account just for storage and backup.

The host will likely not notice though if you store 1 GB of photos on the server but if you start uploading more than that then they may notice and give you a warning or terminate your account.

I once asked Hostgator one time if I could temporarily backup 4 GB of files from my computer to there hosting while I restored my computer and they let me but said I had to delete the files off the server within a month or whenever I got done backing up and restoring my computer.

Nowadays there's options like Google Drive where you can upload and backup photos and other files to the cloud where you can keep them safe in the event your computer hard drive crashes so I would advise to do that instead.

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