Does oatmeal have copper?

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asked Feb 2 in Other-Food Drink by HopeARK (2,940 points)
Does oatmeal have copper?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 3 by Chasedheat (29,190 points)

Oatmeal does have copper as well as magnesium, zinc, thiamine as well as many other essential minerals and nutrients.

Oatmeal is a very good healthy breakfast as oatmeal gives you energy, helps you poop, helps prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes etc.

Oatmeal can help manage your blood pressure and boost your immune system as well.

Eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning can reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases.

Oatmeal is good for the heart and studies have shown that people who eat oatmeal on a daily basis or as a regular breakfast have a lower risk of developing heart disease.

You can still get heart disease even when eating oatmeal and eating healthy but oatmeal does help keep your heart strong and prevent heart disease in most people who eat it.

Oats and oatmeal reduce and lower your cholesterol levels and help keep your arteries clear which is another reason the oatmeal prevents heart disease.

Oatmeal or oats are a great source of β-glucan which is effective at reducing both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. 

It also has been established that the consumption of at least 3 g per day of oat β-glucan can achieve a reduction in LDL cholesterol of up to 10% and reduce your risk of CVD by as much as 20%7.

Oatmeal is great to eat whether cooked or eaten cold and raw in a bowl with some milk.

You can eat oatmeal raw without cooking it.

Oatmeal while most commonly heated up and cooked and eaten warm can also be eaten without cooking it first.

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