Why does chocolate make you happy?

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asked Dec 7, 2023 in Other-Food Drink by Manajj (1,340 points)
Why does chocolate make you happy?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 7 by LesleeGile (7,800 points)
The reason chocolate makes you happy is because chocolate when eaten triggers the release of chemicals in the brain which brings up happiness and joy.

Chocolate contains endorphins that are natural substances which make us feel happy.

It is OK to eat chocolate that has turned white and just means the chocolate has gone through a process known as chocolate bloom.

There are 2 types of bloom on chocolate which include fat bloom and chocolate bloom and the chocolate is safe to eat when it has bloomed or turned white.

You can safely eat bloomed chocolate.

While the bloomed chocolate may not look very good it does not mean the chocolate is unsafe to eat.

When the chocolate has bloomed the taste and texture of the chocolate will change and may not taste as good but you can also use the bloomed chocolate in baked goods or cooking with.

You can usually eat chocolate for up to 3 years after the expiration date although some chocolate may still be safe to eat after 3 years.

Most chocolate is usually good for up to 3 years past it's expiration date.

While the chocolate is best eaten before expiration date the chocolate will not make you sick if it is expired.

As long as there's no mold growth or bad smell to the expired chocolate it is safe to eat.

You could also use the expired chocolate for baking or cooking with if you don't like the taste.

Eating chocolate that's past its best-before date is safe, as chocolate has a relatively long shelf life and doesn't spoil easily.

Bad chocolate might feel dry or crumbly, and its smoothness may be compromised.

If the chocolate smells off, rancid, or musty, it could indicate spoilage.

If the chocolate tastes stale, sour, or simply not as flavorful as it should, it may have gone bad.

If you do eat chocolate that has actually gone bad or spoiled you may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and increased thirst.

or if the chocolate has been stored improperly and has developed mold, or if it has ingredients that have deteriorated, it might cause some digestive upset.

Also the biggest giveaway as to whether your chocolate has passed its peak is if it blooms.

If you see a white or grey hue to your chocolate then it's probably had a fat bloom and whilst it takes away from the glossy shine of your chocolate, it doesn't affect the taste.

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