Should I salt the water when boiling broccoli?

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asked Nov 19, 2023 in Cooking by Papajorgen (1,940 points)
Should I salt the water when boiling broccoli?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 20, 2023 by boredwater (8,700 points)
You should salt the water when boiling broccoli and other vegetables as adding salt to the boiling water helps to season the broccoli and vegetables and enhances the natural flavors and makes the broccoli and other vegetables taste delicious.

When boiling broccoli you boil the broccoli for around 6 minutes to 8 minutes.

When steaming broccoli you steam the broccoli for around 6 to 8 minutes as well.

You can remove pesticides from broccoli by filling a bowl with water and adding 1/3 cup of white vinegar.

Then soak the broccoli in the water for around 2 minutes and dump the broccoli into a colander.

Next rinse the broccoli to remove the vinegar under running water.

You can add some vinegar to a bowel of water and soak the broccoli in the vinegar and water or spray some diluted vinegar on the broccoli and then rinse the broccoli under the faucet to get rid of the bacteria, dirt, pesticides etc.

When washing broccoli you should wash the broccoli first and then cut it and cook or serve it immediately.

Don't wash the broccoli until you're ready to cut it or cook or serve it as the moisture can cause the broccoli to mold.

Steaming or microwaving the broccoli is a good way to cook the broccoli so that it does not give you gas.

You can also soak the broccoli in some baking soda and water and then drain the water and replace with fresh water before cooking the broccoli.

Or you can add some baking soda to a pot of water when you boil broccoli which will also remove gas from the broccoli.

To steam broccoli without overcooking it you should steam the broccoli for 5 minutes until the broccoli becomes crisp and tender and bright green.

Add the broccoli to a steamer basket and then place it in a pot or sauce pan with 1 inch of water.

Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer and cover the pan or pot.

It's better and healthier to steam the broccoli instead of boiling the broccoli as boiling the broccoli can destroy most of the nutrients and also cause the broccoli to turn out soggy.

Steaming the broccoli preserves the nutrients and also prevents the broccoli from coming out soggy.

Broccoli tastes better steamed and is healthier as well.

Steaming the broccoli preserves the broccoli's green color and fresh flavor and also prevents the broccoli from turning soggy.

Boiled broccoli can turn out soggy.

The healthiest best way to cook broccoli is to steam the broccoli or even boil the broccoli.

Even eating the broccoli raw is healthy and healthier than cooking it but for cooked broccoli steaming or boiling the broccoli is the healthiest way to cook it.

The seasoning that you can put on broccoli is thyme, garlic salt, olive oil and even lemon juice.

Other spices and seasonings that go well with broccoli include Sage, Rosemary, Oregano, Marjoram, Ginger Powder with a splash of soy sauce, Dill Weed and Basil paired with some Parmesan cheese or even nutritional yeast.

The reason you ice bath broccoli is to stop the cooking process to keep the broccoli from becoming overcooked which can leave the broccoli looking mushy and becoming tasteless.

Soaking broccoli in salt water helps to clean the broccoli and also loosen and remove any possible worms that could be hiding in places of the broccoli and can help dislodge the worms immediately.

Immediately before cooking, soak your broccoli, head down, in cold, salted water (1 tsp salt to 8 cups water) for 5 minutes.

Any critters will float to the top where you can rescue them or allow them to suffer a salty death.

(NOTE: If you soak in salt water and then store it, it will become rubbery and wilted.

You should eat broccoli with lemon juice to reduce gas from broccoli.

Beano can also be taken before you eat broccoli to reduce gas in your stomach.

The best seasoning to put on broccoli is garlic, salt, pepper or any classic herbs such as thyme, tarragon, parsley, sage, rosemary or basil.

Before cooking broccoli you soak the broccoli in a bowl of 2 and 2/3rds cups of cold or warm water and 1/3 cup of white vinegar.

Allow the broccoli to soak in the water and vinegar for 2 minutes and then dump the broccoli into a colander.

Then rinse the vinegar off the broccoli very well under some running water before cooking it.

Adding baking soda to broccoli makes the water slightly alkaline which preserves the compound in broccoli called chlorophyll that gives the broccoli a vibrant green color.

The most popular way to eat broccoli is by cooking it in dishes such as pasta, casseroles or even using the broccoli in salads.

Steaming broccoli or adding cheese to the broccoli by melting the cheese over broccoli is also another great way to eat the broccoli.

The white balls on broccoli are white blisters that are a plant disease which affects broccoli and brassica crops that are caused by a fungus like organism called Albugo candida.

The white balls on broccoli are edible and pose no health risks to humans and so you can still eat the broccoli with the white balls.

When your broccoli smells bad but looks fine it's because the broccoli cut into florets releases sulforaphane which is a compound that is found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables that can give off a strong odor.

If the odor or bad smell of the broccoli is mild then it is usually OK but if the odor is very strong then it's a sign that the broccoli is past it's peak and is bad and should not be consumed.

The green balls on broccoli are caterpillars which are worms or larvae of several different species of moths and butterflies that feed on broccoli plants.

The Cabbage Butterfly, also called the White Cabbage Moth lays its eggs on broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and other plants in the Kole family.

The green or yellow worms consume the leaves of the plants and hide in the tight florets and wrapped leaves of the vegetables.

It is OK to eat broccoli that has turned purple as it's not an indication of the broccoli being spoiled or being damaged but is just a sign that the cold has made the broccoli sweeter.

The little purple on broccoli is also a bluish blush caused by anthocyanins that are purplish blue and are naturally present in the broccoli plant releasing and it's edible and also has health benefits.

Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable that may enhance your health in a variety of ways, such as by reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar control, boosting immunity and promoting heart health.

However, keep in mind that good health doesn't come from any single food.

People who should avoid eating broccoli are people who have IBS or irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive health issues.

Broccoli can cause gas and bloating and affect a persons IBS negatively.

The vegetables you can eat unlimited amounts of include zucchini, salad greens, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower and cucumbers.

Foods you should not eat everyday include Junk Food, Salt, Cruciferous vegetables, grape fruit, baked goods, Kombucha, dried fruit, Animal based protein, meats and canned tuna.

The number 1 healthiest food is broccoli as well as Kale and Spinach.

Other healthiest foods are dark green vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils, fish, berries, winter squash and soy.

The 5 most nutritious vegetables are Spinach, Carrots, Broccoli, Garlic and Brussel Sprouts.

Spinach is better for you than Kale as Spinach contains more folate as well as Vitamins K and Vitamins A than Kale.

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