How long before you can make money from a blog?

+1 vote
asked Aug 10, 2018 in Blogging by Stellasigman (270 points)
How long before you can make money from a blog?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2018 by Shawn (104,110 points)
If you're planning to earn money through advertising on your blog then you're gonna need to get around 3,000 or more daily unique visitors to your website to earn around $20.00 per day

Getting 3,000 daily visitors to your blog can take a few years to achieve and requires lots of hard work and patience.

You need to use semrush or google ads keyword planner to look up keywords related to your niche that are searched highly then blog about those topics and then submit the content to google search.

You need to write high quality content for your blog so that google search and other search engines will rank your content highly in the search engine.

In my experience it took me a few years to get enough income to be extra pocket money or cover extra bills but it took me nearly 6 years of blogging before I earned enough money each month to be able to quit my 9 to 5 job and blog full time for my income.

You should also add or other native ads to your blog or website along with Adsense or other ad networks as I find I make $50.00 per day just off of because although pays a little less per click per ad the earnings really add up since you get more clicks on those native ads per amount of visitors and impressions that your website gets.

Adsense still makes money but I get less clicks and earn less from Adsense even though the cost per click is higher.

Also with you only need to earn $50.00 per month to get your payout each month and with Adsense you have to earn $100.00 per month or $100.00 in earnings before getting paid.
commented Apr 21, 2020 by AdamJane (560 points)
Wow, I could not even imagine that some money could be obtained from blogs.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2021 by Dyavion (710 points)
edited Dec 21, 2021 by Dyavion

It depends on many factors and it's almost impossible to predict, besides it has to be done a lot of work so I consider it's not a good way of making money. Recently I decided to start my own business but fortunately, I changed my mind on time. It requires effort and much time. I bought Amazon business at this site and absolutely delighted with my decision. However, I have too many orders so I work on the weekend too.

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