Does pickle juice work as a laxative?

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asked Nov 17, 2023 in Other-Food Drink by Ryanpelly (1,560 points)
Does pickle juice work as a laxative?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 17, 2023 by femealeofinternets (29,160 points)
Pickle juice does work as a laxative and drinking a small glass of pickle juice when you're constipated can help get your bowels moving and also ease and upset stomach and aid in digestion.

Pickle juice is good for weight loss as pickle juice burns fat and boosts your metabolism as well as improving blood flow and reducing inflammation in the body.

Drinking pickle juice before a meal also helps you eat feel fuller and helps you eat less calories.

Pickle juice helps to stop leg cramps by triggering the muscular reflexes when the pickle juice contacts the back of your throat.

This reflex that pickle juice triggers shuts down the misfiring of neurons in muscles all over the body which turns off the cramping feeling.

The best home remedy for leg cramps is to drink some apple cider vinegar or diluted vinegar or drink some pickle juice.

Also apply some heat or cold such as an ice pack or a heating pad to the leg that is cramping which can ease tense or tight muscles.

You can also stop leg cramps by taking a warm bath or directing some hot water from the shower onto the leg that is cramping and rub the sore muscle or leg cramp with ice.

Vinegar can also help with leg cramps and even apple cider vinegar helps stop leg cramps.

Vinegar and apple cider vinegar stops leg cramps by facilitating the production of acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for nerve impulses which facilitate muscle contraction.

The apple cider vinegar also lowers your ph and acidifies the body.

Being too alkaline can lead to cramping and so by lowering your body's ph it can alleviate and stop the cramping in the legs.

Leg cramps can be caused by pinched nerves, blood flow being cut off, during sleep, excessive strain on the leg muscles, or a sudden restriction to the blood supply to the leg muscles.

Other things that can cause leg cramps are a deficiency in magnesium, calcium or potassium.

Even medicines for high blood pressure can lead to leg cramps from increased urination which can drain the body of these minerals.

To stop leg cramps.

Stretch the cramped muscle and gently rub it.

For a calf cramp, keep the leg straight while pulling the top of your foot on the side that's cramped toward your face.

Also try standing with your weight on your cramped leg and pressing down firmly.

This helps ease a cramp in the back of the thigh too.

Although most leg cramps and muscle cramps are harmless, some leg cramps and muscle cramps may be related to an underlying medical condition known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a form of peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

Poor blood flow to your leg muscles may also cause the sudden painful cramping, including varicose veins.

If your leg cramps happen often and don't improve with self-care.

While various factors can cause leg cramps, they can sometimes indicate a more serious heart condition.

Leg cramps can be a sign of congestive heart failure, in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of the body.

If you only get leg cramps occasionally, it is not a cause for concern and a medical diagnosis is not required.

A visit to your GP will only be necessary if you get leg cramps frequently, or if they are so painful they disrupt your sleep and you are unable to function normally the next day.

The best vitamins for leg cramps are.

Vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is also commonly known as thiamin.
Vitamin B12. If you are not getting enough vitamin B12, then you may experience muscle cramps as a result.
Vitamin D. Some experts believe vitamin D deficiencies may result in muscle aches and pains.

If too much salt is lost, the level of fluid in the blood will drop.

Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the sodium in your blood falls below the normal range of 135–145 mEq/L.

In severe cases, low sodium levels in the body can lead to muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

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