What does “your package is on its way to a USPS facility” mean?

+2 votes
asked Jul 23, 2018 in Government by SharonJ (990 points)
What does “your package is on its way to a USPS facility” mean?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 23, 2018 by JacqueAnder (650 points)
When the USPS tracking says that your package is on it's way to the USPS facility it usually means that the package was sent by another carrier such as DHL and is being handed off to USPS to do the final delivery.

It means that the shipping company is on it's way to deliver the package to the USPS facility and then the package will take a little while longer to reach the destination.
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2020 by 12345ismyssnnumber (1,610 points)
Your package is on it's way to a USPS facility can also mean that your package has been accepted by the post office and then has been put on a truck and is now on it's way to the USPS facility such as a USPS sorting facility.

Some companies will have the USPS come by and pick up the packages and then when they do it should say accepted by USPS or something similar.

Then it should also say your package is on it's way to a USPS facility.

Either way when it says that your package is on it's way to a USPS facility it means that it is on it's way and could be that the package is on it's way to a local post office or another sorting facility.

Most commonly when the USPS tracking does say that your package is on it's way to a USPS facility it means that it's on it's way to a USPS sorting facility.

Then the package will go through the sorting facility and be loaded onto either a semi truck or airplane to go further to it's destination.

Yes sometimes the package may be shipped through another shipper such as FedEx, UPS etc and then they could update the tracking info to say it's on it's way to USPS facility.

Then USPS takes over the shipping and ships it to your address or local post office.
0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2020 by layla (84,650 points)
I get this sometimes as well and when it says your package is on it's way to a usps facility it has meant that the shipper has shipped my package and the USPS has picked it up and is transporting it to a USPS facility.

The USPS facility is a sorting facility where your package is sorted and then put on a truck or plane to be delivered to another USPS sorting facility closer to your address.

Then it will arrive at your local post office and then be out for delivery.

But yes like the other answers it can mean that your package was sent through Smartpost such as FedEx Smart Post and then they hand it off to the USPS.

But if your package was just sent through the USPS and you've been tracking your package only through USPS then it means that the package is on it's way to a USPS sorting facility.
0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by Prigen (12,000 points)
Your package is on it's way to a USPS Facility means that the package is on it's way to a USPS sorting facility or to the USPS post office and It means that it is not yet in the hands of the USPS.

Companies regularly have packages trucked to mail processing centers.

This does not necessarily mean that the USPS has it in it's possession yet.

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