Will having more website content on my blog increase my search traffic from google?

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asked May 19, 2017 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by jh8 (120 points)
My blog only has 100 posts on it right now and is 2 years old. I'm only getting 400 visitors a day right now.

If I increase my blog posts and content on my blog will my traffic increase overtime?

1 Answer

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answered May 19, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Having more content means that more of your sites content and pages will be indexed in google and search engines which could increase your traffic to your website if someone is searching for the topic of your website.

But just having more content isn't what will bring you more search traffic.

You need to have quality content. Google is looking for and indexing quality content.

And the older your domain gets the more google trusts your website too and increases your chances of ranking in google.

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