What Bean gives you the most gas?

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asked Aug 24, 2023 in Other-Food Drink by KdIA (1,560 points)
What Bean gives you the most gas?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 29, 2024 by Gracy (149,380 points)
The beans that give you the most gas are soybeans, followed by Navy Beans and White Beans.

The Bean that has the most fiber are Navy Beans and White Beans.

The healthiest beans to cook are lentils, kidney beans, black beans, peas, soybeans, pinto beans, navy beans and peanuts.

The bean that has the highest protein are soybeans that has 30 grams of protein per cup.

Soybeans can reduce the risk of a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD) and some cancers, as well as improving bone health.

Soy is a high-quality protein – one or 2 daily serves of soy products can be beneficial to your health.

The bean that is the easiest to digest are mung beans and lentils.

Black eyed peas, adzuki beans and anasazi beans are also the easiest to digest beans.

The least inflammatory bean are black beans.

Other beans that are the least inflammatory are chickpeas, red kidney beans and lentils which are also high in phytonutrients and fiber which reduce inflammation.

The least gassy bean is black beans as well as pinto beans and navy beans.

The reason you feel sick after eating beans is due to the fact you cannot properly digest the protein called lectins which can bypass normal digestion and end up in the bloodstream and can cause the body to have an immune reaction.

The reason you can't digest beans anymore is because of an allergy to the lectins which is a protein in beans which can cause a reaction in some people.

The lectins in beans can bypass normal digestion and then end up in the bloodstream, where the body can have an immune reaction.

The beans that are the hardest to digest are soybeans, navy beans and Lima beans.

These beans are very high in fiber which makes them harder to digest than other beans with less fiber.

To cook beans so they don't give you gas you should first soak the beans in water overnight.

Then in the morning drain the water out of the beans and replace the water with fresh water and add some baking soda or vinegar to the beans.

The baking soda or vinegar will help to break down the sugars in the beans that cause gas and soaking the beans also helps to remove some of the sugar from the beans that lead to gas.

Adding ginger to beans does reduce gas and helps you digest the beans much quicker.

And when the beans move along quicker through your digestive system is also cannot produce as much gas.

Ginger is also good to drink to help improve digestion.

Adding some vinegar to the beans does help to reduce the gas in the beans as the vinegar helps to break down the indigestible carbs which lead to gas.

Adding some baking soda to the beans while cooking also helps to reduce gas from the beans as the baking soda breaks down some of the beans natural gas making sugars.

Putting a potato in beans does help to reduce gas in the beans.

Soaking beans in water overnight does reduce the gas in the beans.

The soaking of the beans in the water removes the complex sugars in the beans which is a major cause of gas buildup in people who eat beans.

Beans are healthy but most people including myself hate that they give them gas and make them fart too much after eating them.

The easy way to get rid of the gas from beans is to soak the beans in water overnight.

Then drain the water from the beans and replace it with fresh water before cooking them.

The beans will have less gas producing sugar in them so that you won't get too much gas when you eat the beans.

You can also take beano to help reduce gas in your stomach when eating gassy foods such as beans.

Soaking beans overnight does reduce gas from the beans.

Simply place dried beans in a container, cover them with water and let them soak.

They'll need to soak eight to 12 hours, but the key to eliminating the gas is draining and rinsing every three hours.

Drain, rinse and start soaking again every three hours.

You can also reduce gas from beans by adding some baking soda to the cooking water.

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