What does it mean to crave mustard?

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asked Jul 26, 2023 in Other-Food Drink by NickMNS (920 points)
What does it mean to crave mustard?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 27, 2023 by Capobianco (12,490 points)
Craving mustard can mean that you're deficient in at least one of the minerals and or vitamins that mustard contains.

Mustard and mustard seeds in particular are rich in several minerals such as copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Mustard seeds are also a good source of several vitamins, including vitamins C and K, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and folic acid.

The reason you crave mustard and pickles is because of the spicy taste and because of the brain releasing dopamine that creates a pleasurable feeling that makes you want more or you could be deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Craving pickles can also mean that your body is needing more sodium or it can also be a signal that your body is low on potassium.

It is bad to eat a whole jar of pickles if you eat the whole jar of pickles all at once or within a few hours.

If you eat the whole jar of pickles spread through the day then it usually is okay for most healthy people to consume a whole jar of pickles but it's not recommended.

Too much sodium in the pickles can cause your liver and kidneys to work harder and lead to possible damage.

If you already have any liver disease or kidney failure or kidney problems then the whole jar of pickles can make the conditions worse.

It is OK to eat pickles at night although just be aware that you may get acid on the stomach from the pickles so it's best to avoid eating pickles at night or too close to bed.

Pickles are a great midnight snack.

Actually, they're a great snack at any time of the day.

They are incredibly low calorie, only adding an additional five to 10 calories per pickle, depending on the size.

They give the consumer a strong flavor, plenty of salt, and still a crunchy satisfaction for the taste buds.

Pickles can make you poop and they can also give you gas or even diarrhea if you eat too many pickles or have digestive issues.

The main benefit of pickles is that some pickles contain beneficial bacteria.

People use brine to make pickles.

These bacteria may prevent yeast infections, help with diarrhea and constipation, and potentially aid the treatment of chronic stomach health issues, such as Crohn's disease

Pickles can raise your blood pressure as pickles contain a lot of sodium.

So when you eat too many pickles then you increase your sodium intake which then leads to high blood pressure.

Also eating pickles is good for your health because pickles are really just fermented cucumbers.

The cucumbers that pickles are made from contain beneficial vitamins and nutrients that is good for your health.

Pickles are an even better tasting cucumber and when the cucumbers are pickled they then contain beneficial bacteria that is healthy for you.

Pickles are also low in calories so they are good to eat when you're managing your weight or when you're trying to lose weight.

But pickles can also be a bit high in sodium so if you need to watch your sodium intake you should avoid eating too many pickles.

But they certainly are healthy for you.

Eating pickles can help fight off some diseases such as cancer, help curb your sugar spikes, help with digestion and help stop and prevent muscle cramps.

The pickle juice is also good for your health and may improve your kidney health.

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