Sweet Potatoes are gluten free.
Other potatoes are also gluten free which include, petites, fingerling, purple potatoes, red potatoes, white potatoes and russet potatoes are gluten free.
Sweet Potatoes do have acrylamide.
Root vegetables including potatoes, sweet potatoes, beetroot, turnip, swede and parsnips can all carry high levels of the compound once they have been roasted or fried until darker brown or crispy.
As well as high temperatures, long cooking times can increase levels of acrylamide even further.
Soaking raw potato slices in water for 15-30 minutes before frying or roasting helps reduce acrylamide formation during cooking.
(Soaked potatoes should be drained and blotted dry before cooking to prevent splattering or fires.)
Storing potatoes in the refrigerator can result in increased acrylamide during cooking.
Sweet Potatoes are not a yam although they seem similar to Yams.
Yams and Sweet Potatoes are different types of plants and they taste different as well.
Some sweet potatoes are not orange because they are a different variety of sweet potato.
One example of a sweet potato that is not orange is a white sweet potato which is a different species of sweet potato.
They both are sweet potatoes but they grow from different seeds that cause the sweet potato to be either white or orange.
White Sweet Potatoes are mostly known as Brinkley White Sweet Potatoes but sometimes white sweet potatoes are known as Boniato Sweet Potatoes.
White Sweet Potatoes taste slightly different than orange sweet potatoes do.
But the taste difference between regular sweet potatoes and white sweet potatoes is not all that much different.
The white sweet potatoes have a slightly milder taste to them than the regular sweet potatoes do.
White sweet potatoes have a slightly milder, savory and smooth taste to them.
White sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes or regular sweet potatoes are.
White sweet potatoes contain more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so when you eat white sweet potatoes over the other sweet potatoes or regular potatoes you're eating healthier.
But both white sweet potatoes and other sweet potatoes are healthy as well.
Even regular potatoes are still healthy for you so you should eat all types of potatoes to stay healthy and get the most health benefits.
The regular White potatoes are healthier than sweet potatoes because the regular white potatoes contain more potassium than sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes and regular White Potatoes are both healthy and provide the same amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals etc.
So by eating either sweet potatoes or white potatoes or regular potatoes you still get all the health benefits.
But when it comes to which one is healthier of the two types of potatoes the healthiest of the potatoes are the regular white potatoes.