Does bread have lactose?

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asked Sep 13, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by Sisterwasii (2,260 points)
Does bread have lactose?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 30, 2022 by waitforme (13,460 points)
Most types of bread does not contain lactose or dairy.

However some types of bread may use dairy in the recipe which would then make the bread have lactose.

But regular bread including white bread is lactose free and dairy free.

To fully detox your body from dairy it takes up to 3 weeks.

After you stop eating dairy or consuming dairy products it will take the dairy at least 3 weeks to fully leave your system.

Your body should begin detoxing from dairy within a few days.

When you cut out dairy your digestion will improve, you'll lose weight and your energy levels and metabolism will also improve.

One of the top benefits of cutting out dairy is the removal of excess saturated fats, sugar and salt from your diet, thus lessening your calorie intake and promoting a healthy weight.

Dairy is also renowned as an acidic food, disrupting your body's acid/alkaline balance.

You will usually lose weight when going dairy free.

As long as you exercise and eat healthy along with going dairy free then you should lose weight.

Eating dairy can cause weight gain so cutting out dairy can help you lose weight faster.

The benefits of not eating dairy include weight loss, reduced exposure to hormones and antibiotics, clear skin, improved digestion, reduced inflammation and reduced environmental impact.

When you stop eating dairy, you might find that your immune system becomes considerably weaker.

Going dairy-free often results in more consistent digestion, AKA less bloating, gas, and cramps, and a regulated “schedule.”

Avoid hormones and antibiotics.

Dairy farms are no small operation, and dairy farmers are always looking to optimize production and maximize output.

Foods that are equal to milk are coconut, rice, soy and almond.

To replace milk in your diet you can drink other milk alternatives that are not dairy which include soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, potato milk and other vegan milks.

Snacks that are dairy free are carrot meatballs, mini chicken, chips, PB&J chia pudding, banana and nut butter nice cream, beef jerky.

Crackers are also another dairy free snack.

Foods that cause a milk allergy are foods that contain milk or dairy which include, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, nacho cheese and baked goods containing dairy.

Dairy or milk allergy symptoms typically last around 48 hours and symptoms of dairy allergies or milk allergies usually begin within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming dairy or milk.

When you have a milk allergy or dairy allergy you'll experience allergic reactions to the milk or dairy products.

Signs and symptoms of a milk allergy or dairy allergy include, digestive problems, stomach cramping, bloating, hives, vomiting and wheezing which occur when you drink milk or eat other dairy products.

It is possible to suddenly become allergic to milk and dairy.

Although most people develop a milk or dairy allergy in childhood it is possible to develop the milk or dairy allergy later on in life.

Milk allergies do sometimes go away especially in children.

Sometimes children will have a milk or dairy allergy and then later as they grow into adulthood the milk or dairy allergy sometimes goes away.

Although there's no cure for milk or dairy allergies so if it does not go away the only thing you can do is to avoid milk and dairy products.

A milk allergy in adults will look like the same as in children and you'll usually have hives, and itching and tingling around the lips as well as other symptoms.

The signs that you're allergic to milk are Itching or tingling feeling around the lips or mouth, wheezing, hives, watery eyes, runny nose, diarrhea, poop that contains blood.

These milk allergy symptoms occur after drinking milk or eating dairy products that contain milk.

It is possible to develop an allergy to milk later in life although it's rare.

Most people develop a milk allergy during childhood and then sometimes outgrow the milk allergy in adulthood.

Although some people develop a milk allergy later in life and some people suddenly become Lactose Intolerant later in life as well.

Milk allergies cannot be cured although in some cases milk allergies go away especially in children.

If a child has a milk allergy the milk allergy can go away as the child grows and reaches adulthood.

Milk that has no dairy is milk that is plant based or milk not derived from animals.

For example milk that has no diary is soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, Quinoa Milk, Pea Milk, Macadamia Milk and Cashew Milk.

The difference between a milk allergy and Lactose Intolerance is a milk allergy is the immune systems reaction to the proteins that are found in milk and the lactose Intolerance is the body's inability to digest the Lactose.

You can be allergic to milk and have a milk allergy but not be lactose intolerant.

Lactose Intolerance and a milk allergy are different.

The lactose intolerance is when you cannot tolerate the lactose while a milk allergy is when you're allergic to the milk.

You can sometimes be allergic to milk but not cheese or other dairy products.

In that case you're most likely just Lactose intolerant and don't have a milk allergy.

You may be able to eat a small amount of some foods with lactose.

For example, you may be able to eat cheese or yogurt, but not drink milk.

Aged cheeses, like cheddar and Swiss, have very little lactose.

Or you may be able to eat some prepared foods.

If you have a milk allergy you usually cannot eat cheese because cheese contains milk.

Cheese is made from milk and is dairy so if you have a milk allergy you'll have to avoid cheese or it can trigger your milk allergy symptoms.

Someone with a dairy allergy can eat eggs as eggs are not dairy.

Dairy is foods made from milk including the  milk and eggs do not contain dairy or milk.

Eggs are not a dairy or dairy product because dairy refers to milk that is made from the breast or mammary gland of the breast.

Foods that are made from milk are dairy products such as cream, butter cheese and milk itself.

Hotdogs do not have dairy in them as hot dogs are basically just a mixture of meats although beef hotdogs are strictly beef but other hotdogs can contain beef and chicken and other meats mixed together.

Oreos do not contain dairy and Oreos are dairy free.

If you have a milk allergy you can eat Oreo cookies without an issue.

Oreo cookies are also gluten free as well.

Bread such as white bread is not considered dairy as white bread is dairy free although some types of bread may have dairy or milk in the ingredients.

Most bread is made from yeast, flour, water, and salt, so it would be suitable for vegans.

Unfortunately some commercially sold breads (e.g. sold at supermarkets) contain dairy such as whey (a milk protein) or eggs as fillers or stabilizers and those breads would not be considered vegan (or plant-based).

Donuts do have dairy in them.

The ingredients in donuts are oil, sugar, salt, eggs, yeast, milk, butter and flour.

Milk, eggs and butter are common ingredients that are used in recipes in bakeries including donuts.

If you have a milk allergy then you want to avoid donuts.

A milk allergy can cause joint pain because when you have a milk allergy the milk when consumed can lead to pain in your joints and inflammation in your joints.

The inflammation and pain in your joints when you have a milk allergy is caused by an increase in histamine and other chemicals in the body.

To diagnose a milk allergy a skin test can be done.

During the skin test for a milk allergy your skin is pricked and exposed to small amounts of the proteins found in milk.

If you're allergic, you'll likely develop a raised bump (hive) at the test location on your skin.

Allergy specialists usually are best equipped to perform and interpret allergy skin tests.

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