Is onion good for your lungs?

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asked Jun 25, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by allhearts (680 points)
Is onion good for your lungs?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 1, 2022 by Zoey123 (24,130 points)
Onions are good for your lungs and eating onions can help keep your lungs healthy and improve lung function and onions are also anti inflammatory.

All onions are healthy for you although some onions are healthier than others.

White onions are good for your health although red onions and yellow onions are even healthier than white onions.

White onions contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease triglycerides and reduce cholesterol levels, all of which are effective in improving your heart health.

Likewise, the anti-inflammatory properties of white onions may help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots.

The healthiest onion is the red onion as well as the yellow onion which are richer in antioxidants and nutrients, vitamins, minerals etc than other onions are.

The yellow onions contain almost 11 times more antioxidants than white onions.

The US gets most of it's onions from places within the United States which include Washington, Idaho-Eastern Oregon, California, and West-Central Oregon.

California is the largest onion producer in the US, and is the only state to produce both spring and summer-harvested onions.

In 2015, it produced 31% of the nation's total onion crop.

For summer-harvested onions other important producers are Washington and Oregon.

The country that is the largest exporter of the onion is China.

The United States is the largest importer of onions.

The largest onion in the world is an onion that weighs 8.195 kg (18 lb 1 oz) which was grown by a UK gardener named Peter Glazebrook.

The onion grown by Peter Glazebrook in the UK was weighed at the Harrogate Flower Show which was in North Yorkshire UK in the month of September 2012.

The largest onion varieties include Ailsa Craig, Expression, Kelsae, Rossa di Milano, Scout, Sierra Blanca, T-448, Walla Walla, Yellow Granex, and Zoey.

With proper care, these onions can grow to a diameter of 4 to 6 inches and a weight of one pound or more.

The heaviest onion weighed in 2014 weighs 8.5 kg (18 lb 11.84 oz) and was grown by Tony Glover (UK).

It was weighed at the Harrogate Autumn flower show in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK, on 12 September 2014.

Tony Glover has been growing onions for years and finally achieved the record.

Onions classified as colossal, jumbo and large to medium, also come in a variety of crispness, with flavors from very mild to very pungent.

The onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium.

The shallot is a botanical variety of the onion which was classified as a separate species until 2010.

Its close relatives include garlic, scallion, leek, and chive.

Onions contain organic sulfur compounds.

These compounds are the reason why onions have such a sharp, strong taste and smell.

Organic sulfur compounds help reduce the level of cholesterol in your body and may also help break down blood clots, lowering your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Onions are a root vegetable with a variety of benefits.

They're high in antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds, some of which may have a number of beneficial effects.

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