Does traditional shepherds pie have cheese?

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asked May 27, 2022 in Recipes by naidpic (760 points)
Does traditional shepherds pie have cheese?

1 Answer

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answered May 27, 2022 by walkingmore (15,870 points)
Traditional shepherds pie does not have cheese although you can put cheese on shepherds pie if you want too.

Shepherd's pie does not traditionally have cheese on top.

Although some people do make shepherd's pie with cheese on top and it's really just a personal preference as to whether you wan to top the shepherd's pie with cheese.

The difference between cottage pie and shepherd's pie is in the meat that the pie is made with.

Shepherd's pie is most often made with lamb or sheep meat while cottage pie is made using minced beef.

Although sometimes shepherd's pie is made with beef as well but most shepherd's pie is made using lamb or sheep.

The reason shepherd's pie is called shepherd's pie is because it contains lamb and shepherd's look after lamb or sheep.

Although some shepherd's pie is made with beef.

Shepherd's pie, cottage pie, or in its French version hachis Parmentier is a savoury dish of cooked minced meat topped with mashed potato and baked.

The meat used may be either previously cooked or freshly minced.

The usual meats are beef or lamb.

The shepherd's pie is a common and inexpensive British dish originating from the sheep country in Scotland and northern England.

It is a baked meat pie made with minced or diced lamb and topped with a thick layer of mashed potatoes.

Some foods and side dishes you can serve with shepherd's pie include.

Glazed Carrots.

A popular ingredient to stews and coleslaw, the humble carrot does not strike many as main dish-material.
Condensed Milk Bread. Condensed milk in bread.
Corn Salad.
Mushy Peas.
Baked Beans.
Green Beans.
Beet Salad.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts.

You can combine Shepherd's pie with Greek, cabbage, or Caprese salad, olives and cheese, bread such as focaccia, rye, ciabatta, potato, and garlic bread.

Pair it with tomato sauce or gravy.

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