Can you can gravy?

0 votes
asked May 13, 2022 in Recipes by dowantto99 (860 points)
Can you can gravy?

1 Answer

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answered May 19, 2022 by CWick (1,300 points)
You can can gravy in canning jars.

Simply place your homemade gravy into canning jars and put the lid on them.

Then place the canning jars with gravy in them into a pressure cooker to seal the canning jars with gravy.

To make gravy with Bisto Powder follow the below directions.

In a saucepan mix 4 teaspoons of Bisto Powder with 30ml of cold water into a smooth paste.

Gradually add 250ml of cold water along with any meat juices to the saucepan and mix well.

Gently bring to the boil, stirring constantly, until thickened. Simmer on a low heat for two minutes.

Making turkey gravy or gravy in general is pretty simple.

Pour drippings from roasting pan into bowl, leaving brown particles in pan.

Return 1/4 cup drippings to roasting pan.

(Measure accurately because too little fat makes gravy lumpy.)

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth and bubbly. Stir in liquid. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly.

For Thanksgiving dinner we typically have mashed potatoes with gravy along with a Turkey and some ham and stuffing.

We also sometimes have a casserole and rolls with butter.

We also usually have some Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Pot Pies, etc.

The classic Thanksgiving dinner includes old-time favorites that never change: turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, and pie.

But the way these dishes are made or added to is ever changing because of food trends and different dietary requirements.

The centerpiece of contemporary Thanksgiving in the United States and in Canada is Thanksgiving dinner, a large meal generally centered on a large roasted turkey.

Popular Thanksgiving foods include.

Mashed Potatoes. Mashed potatoes are the best and the only dish on this list you would eat with a regular meal during the year.
Candied Sweet Potatoes.
Mac 'n' Cheese.
Pumpkin Pie.

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