How long does it take to make money by blogging?

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asked Feb 22, 2018 in Blogging by Wasabi (190 points)
How long does it take to make money by blogging?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 23, 2018 by Shawn (104,110 points)
If you work hard enough on your blog and can write stellar content and target the right keywords then you can earn money from the first year of blogging.

But it takes over 3 years to start seeing an amount of money that can be lived off of.

It took me 5 years to make enough money from my blog to where I could quit my 9-5 job and focus solely on my blog for an income.

In the first year of blogging I barely earned any money but after 5 years the money started to really come in and now I earn a full time income and living from blogging.

Stick with it and continue to write that content and keep your blog fresh and updated so your readers and google search bots will keep coming back.

If you let your blog go stale then you can lose your search rankings so you have to keep pushing out content as much as possible if you plan to earn a living from your blog.

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