What's the difference between cucumber and pickle?

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asked Apr 15, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by Niddletwin (3,380 points)
What's the difference between cucumber and pickle?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 17, 2022 by Christeenlia (34,500 points)
The difference between a cucumber and a pickle is that the pickle is a pickled cucumber.

A cucumber is the fruit the pickle is made from.

Pickles are cucumbers.

Pickles are basically just fermented cucumbers that go through a fermenting process to turn them into pickles.

Cucumbers are in the squash family which is the gourd family.

The gourd family includes melons, pumpkins, squash and cucumbers.

Cucumbers can be planted next to squash as they will not cross.

However you should plant cucumbers and squash at least 12 to 18 inches apart but it's okay to plant them next to each other.

Cucumbers and squash are also related.

The cucumber and squash are in the same family which is the gourd family.

The gourd family includes melons, pumpkins, squash and cucumbers.

Whats the difference between cucumber and squash?

Cucumber leaves are in the shape of a triangle and are flat in the center and rough to the touch.

Squash plants vary in shape as to the particular variety, but have three to five lobes and are larger than cucumber leaves.

Zucchini squash has elongated serrated leaves.

Cucumber is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that bears usually cylindrical fruits, which are used as vegetables.

Considered an annual plant, there are three main varieties of cucumber slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless  within which several cultivars have been created

Squash also known as Cucurbita is a genus of herbaceous vegetables in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae native to the Andes and Mesoamerica.

Five species are grown worldwide for their edible vegetable, variously known as squash, pumpkin, or gourd, depending on species, variety, and local parlance, and for their seeds.

Cucurbita (Latin for gourd) is a genus of herbaceous vegetables in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae (also known as cucurbits or cucurbi) native to the Andes and Mesoamerica.

Since squash is the general term for the fruits that belong to the genus Cucurbita, and since pumpkin is from the genus Cucurbita, you can say that a pumpkin is just a kind of squash.

So if someone asks you what the differences are between a pumpkin and a squash, you can say that a pumpkin is a kind of a squash.

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