How long was it before you started making money off your blog?

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asked Feb 18, 2018 in Blogging by mkfish (190 points)
How long was it before you started making money off your blog?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 18, 2018 by Shawn (104,230 points)
When I started my blog I started to make a little bit of money within the first year through Adsense on my blog but it was only a few dollars at the most.

I worked on my blog writing great content for 5 years with very little money coming in from all that work but all that work eventually paid off and after that 5 years of work I started to make enough to live off of my blog and quit my 9-5 office job.

I can't give exact details on how much I earn per month because of Google's Terms of Service. But I do make enough now to live off of.

But that doesn't mean I can stop working on my blog. I still have to work on creating more great content to keep my blog readers happy and coming back and for Google and other search engines to keep coming back to my website to crawl and rank my content.

Google loves fresh content and updated websites and will rank them higher than other websites who don't write and publish fresh content.

When you create a website or blog with the intention of earning money or a living from it one thing you need to have is patience since it will take some time to build up search traffic and take time to build up blog content unless you have a huge team writing great content for your blog.

It can also take 90 to 180 days for your new content to rank in Google search so you might not get any search traffic from your blog content until 3 to 6 months later.

But when your content eventually ranks you will continue to receive search traffic for years to come.

Google also loves older domains and websites so the older your website and domain are the better you will rank.

And if your website starts to get really popular years down the road you could rank new content within a month or in some cases if you're lucky new content could rank in 1 day.

Blogging for an income and SEO is a long term process and you won't get rich overnight blogging.

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